Fleet overview
From fighters, gunships to capital ships, the Fleet makes up the core of any good Mercenary company.
Fleet is the part for those who want to take it a bit more serious at times. Looking to improve as a group and learn to fly/ work with other members in a squadron or company.
Fleet is built out of 6 Active squadrons, each have their own specialty/ personality.
Fighter Squadrons

Deathadders squadron
Leader Yogzie
The Deathadders Squadron is tip of the spear in the Black Adders Fleet, and we aim to be adaptable to any situation. To accomplish this, we fly a mix of light and heavy ships. The aim of the Deathadders to pave way for the rest of the org no matter the enemy. We embody the speed and lethality of our name’s sake and employ tactics to suit our Codex entitled ‘volare celeriter, mori citius’

Honey Badgers
Leader Kaymer
The Honey badgers, a spirited squad of soldiers renowned for their fearless attitude and unconventional approach. Despite their quirky demeanor, they tackle missions with unmatched bravery and creativity, proving time and again that they’re a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. With a blend of irreverent humor and unwavering determination, The Honey Badgers show that they’re not just soldiers – they’re unstoppable warriors with a knack for turning the tide of any mission.
Support and Logistics

Leader Sisko
Raising funds, Fleet and ground support, base building, medical and engineering.