Wargame: Boarding Party

FeaturedCompletedsat27jan19:30sat21:3019:30 - 21:30 View in my timeMeetup LocationHurston, Everus Harbour Wargame: Boarding PartyOrganizerAbsoluteleigh


27/01/2024 19:30 - 21:30

View in my time

Meetup Location

Hurston, Everus Harbour



Event Details

In this wargame, both the Frontier and The Black Adders will be participating to strengthen the alliance between the organizations.

In every dog fighting scenario there is a possibility of a boarding attack. To ensure victory in any scenario, we will have to be able to adapt to any situation we might encounter in a real combat incident. With this goal in mind there has been made multiple war game scenarios, to strengthen group cohesion, honing individual skills, and last but not least, strengthen the sense of comradery.

The war games will be composed of 2 teams, separated into 2 roles, the boarding party who will act as attackers, and the ship crew, acting as defenders. A Carrack will be utilized because of the med center, which will be used as a respawn point, and players will wait in there until the war game is over.

Looting will be restricted to allow participants to acquire their gear after the war game, and streamline the process, to allow for more war games with minimal setup after each war game.

Start Location Everus Harbour


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